Saturday February 14th, 2004


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When working on this section several reasons where brought to our attention as to why parents would want to in home school their children. The most common was, that as military dependants our children are often moved from one standard in education to another in the course of their life, with all states having different requirements. In some cases making it impossible for students to stay at grade level.

The other reason being that sometimes children are not treated or taught in a way that best reflects how the parents would want. After trying to work out the differences with school officials the only choice left to parents is home schooling. In many cases private schools are available but can be extremely expensive. For parents with large families or lower incomes this is just not an option.

Not everyone will opt to home school, maybe you're just looking for some extra ideas on how to help your children's education. Many of the sites below offer some very useful tips and extra worksheets. It is our hope this section of MFF will help in some small way to improve the education of military children. The links provided here are due to hours of research by our very dear friend Wendy,who has been at MFF from the start. Thank you Wendy for all your help! If you have a link you would like to share please e-mail the MFF Webmaster so we may add it.

Links are checked daily and whenever possible fixed. We apologize for any incovenience.

Education Sources & Support

  • Jon's Homeschool Resource Page:
    "One of the oldest homeschooling sites on the Web. With over two hundred component pages..." We think it is worth your time to have a good look around!
  • CERlink:
    CerLink offers sets of curriculums and tests. It also has support and loads of information.
  • School Central Mall:
    The name says it all. Here you can find information on just about everything to do with home schooling.

Books & Tips

Graphic & Designs by Gammin . Please see our Terms of Usage.
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